How to test if a material is antiviral: ISO18184
Listen to this blog article: What is ISO18184, and what is it for? Suppose you’ve got a textile product and you’d like to know if it is antiviral. Then you need ISO18184. The ISO18184 test is a standardized experiment for testing the virucidal properties of...Containment Level 2 and 3 Laboratories
Listen to this blog article: Biological Agent Hazard Groups We’re used to hearing about the American Biosafety Levels (BSL) system from movies, books, and of course, the media. Here in the UK, we use a different categorisation method, the Containment Level...The virus of the month: Adenovirus
Listen to this blog article Adenovirus infections are normally mild, and no adenovirus has ever caused a distressing pandemic. So why are adenoviruses among the most important and thoroughly studied pathogens in human history? Read on to learn more about these...SARS-CoV-2 variants: Alpha to Omicron and beyond
Listen to this blog article Suddenly everyone’s talking virus! Throughout this SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, we’ve all become much more aware of viruses, how they behave, and how our immune system responds. The terms ‘mutations’, ‘variants’, ‘antigens’, and ‘antibodies’...Posts pagination
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