The virus of the month: RSV

The virus of the month: RSV

The virus of the month: RSV With about 34 million infections per year, 10% of which require hospitalization, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of annual winter lower respiratory tract infections. While for young healthy adults RSV causes mild...
ChAT to fight viral infection

ChAT to fight viral infection

ChAT to fight viral infection Say ‘cholinergic’ and most biologists will think of the autonomic nervous system and acetylcholine’s role as a neurotransmitter. But do you know that T and B cells, macrophages and dendritic cells all express most of the components needed...
Bespoke Services

Bespoke Services

Bespoke Services While our core services and viruses are likely to meet most needs, we know some projects need something out of the ordinary. Therefore, in addition to our standard assays, we also offer a range of bespoke services, ranging from assay optimization to...