Forging our own path

Just over 5 years ago, Virology Research Services (VRS) was born out of the need to do something different.

Surely, this is the case for every new company – a new idea or the belief that something can be done better. And indeed, we did want to offer something different by bringing our experience, resourcefulness, and flexible mindset to the world of scientific contract services. But in truth, it was more than this. It was the drive to forge our own unbeaten path, to pursue what inspired us, and to reject all that didn’t resonate.

What followed was a series of intense brainstorming sessions. In a corner of the Heal’s café on Tottenham Court Road, two academic researchers developed the plans for Virology Research Services. We launched in 2017, under the umbrella of UCL Consultants at University College London – where we worked as research scientists – and then, more officially, as a limited company at the end of 2018.

Our first lab space at UCL

Our first clients

The first projects were run at our benches, mostly on evenings and weekends, while still working full time in our academic posts (and while also figuring out how to build a company). But things started moving fast, and from the first few recurrent clients, more people started to find us and trust us with their projects.

An unforgettable 2020

In 2020, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, we officially rented our first lab at UCL’s Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology. During the lockdown, our team grew from two to five people: three more bright minds, each bringing unique skills and an unshakable commitment to help as many clients as possible identify new antivirals at that critical time.

We have some surreal and very fond memories of those months, working relentlessly in a near-deserted building, learning to operate autoclaves and glasswashers, and fighting supply chain issues. We’ll never forget our efforts to solve the problem of how to transport 20 kilos of dry ice deliveries on foot from the post room (three blocks away) to the lab!

Growing the team

At the end of 2021, it was time to further expand the team and fly the nest. VRS relocated all CL2 projects to new labs at Discovery Park, Kent, while our CL3 scientists mostly remained in London, renting the university facilities at the Department of Infection and Immunity.

Our labs at Discovery Park

A home of our own

But it wasn’t long until we were on the move again. Out of the need to reunite the team under one roof (and because relocating a virus lab twice in 2 years sounded like a challenge worth beating), in 2022, we began the ambitious project of designing and building our own bespoke virus facilities, inclusive of a CL3 lab, at Kent Science Park in Sittingbourne, just an hour from London.

At the end of 2022, the enterprise was completed, and our newly built offices and state-of-the-art CL2 and CL3 facilities were ready and operational (Yes, we did rush our poor contractors just a bit, but they were excellent!).

Our next business? Surely a consultancy firm on how to relocate every year without ever slowing operations! Just kidding, we’ll probably just open a cat sanctuary.

5 years on

Aside from moving and growing organically, in these 5 years, we have worked with hundreds of clients on over 700 projects, affirming our position in the virology industry.

This would have been impossible without our clients, everyone on the team at VRS, and the many professionals from different industries who work with us or have crossed our path. We thank every single one wholeheartedly.

What’s next?

“So what’s coming next?”, we hear you ask.

Our main goal for the next 5 years is to continue to grow while retaining our identity, principles, and core strengths:
An unshakable passion and respect for Science and its complexity (and if you want complexity, viruses will give you aplenty);

  • Remaining curious and ready to learn, improve, and evolve;
  • Skills, rigour, and uncompromising integrity;
  • Accountability and commitment to our clients and their projects, and willingness to go the extra mile for a bespoke service or a tight deadline;
  • A dedicated team of skilful and knowledgeable professionals who share the same values and passions and who, 5 years later, still enjoy doing things differently;
  • Believing that the right path is still to pursue what inspires us and reject everything that doesn’t resonate.

But we also have some exciting practical surprises coming this year, so watch this space!

To a future of being and of becoming.

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When it comes to viruses, we know our stuff!
